© Julie Cohen / Mucem

© Julie Cohen / Mucem

A Big Blue Museum

Mucem 10 ans


Mucem is resolutely turned to face the Mediterranean, with its feet in the water, and wants to fully commit to issues around the protection of marine biodiversity and the fight against plastic pollution.

This is the issue at the heart of these three exceptional days, uniquely bringing together the viewpoints of great scientists, specialists in these areas, and of artists who have travelled far and wide over the seas, and whose works will be presented in an exhibition especially created for this project.

Clever workshops, documentary screenings, and entertainments will also help raise the awareness of young and old of the scourge of these plastic materials that pollute our lives (and pollute our seas!).


Entrée libre

Place Mucem
Day and time

Vendredi 5, samedi 6 et dimanche 7 avril 2024

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