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Livre - No name fever

361 FOL




Follér Maj-Lis

Thörn Håkan 1961 - ...

Presentation materielle : 368 p.

Dimensions : 22 cm

HIV/AIDS is a phenomenon that makes it particularly obvious that we live in a globalised world. HIV/AIDS makes global economic inequalities and dependencies clearly visible. Patterns of contagion, possibilities for treatment and the distribution of drugs reflect the present economic world order, as well as old colonial power relations. Furthermore, the fact that HIV/AIDS today is widely spread across the world is related to increasing global mobility – large numbers of refugees, work migrants and tourists moving across borders and continents. Knowledge, as well as myths, are also quickly disseminated through global media. This book is a collaborative project between the Museum of World Culture and Museion at Goteborg University, connected to the exhibition ‘No Name Fever: AIDS in the Age of Globalisation’. For its exhibitions, the Museum engages an interdisciplinary team for the development of knowledge and content. This volume includes contributions from researchers working in the Social Sciences and the Humanities, including some of the leading international researchers on HIV/AIDS.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, p. 9 NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS, p. 11 ABBREVIATIONS, p. 15 FOLLÉR Maj-Lis and THÖRN Håkan, AIDS IN THE AGE OF GLOBALIZATION – AN INTRODUCTION, p. 17 The anthology, p. 20 The global situation, p. 22 Cultural meaning(s) of AIDS: stigma and other stories, p. 25 National differences still matter, p. 28 Consequences of HIV/AIDS – individuals, families and societies, p. 30 What is to be done? – AIDS activism, p. 32 Notes, p. 37 References, p. 38 BARNETT Tony, HIV/AIDS IS NOT JUST ABOUT HIV/AIDS, p. 41 Globalization: health promoter or health hazard?, p. 44 Globalization and health?, p. 45 Neo-liberalism and global health, p. 47 Individual health, public health and well-being, p. 48 Nation states, Byzantine bureaucracies and intimations of alternatives, p. 51 Irony and pragmatism, p. 54 What is the cost of an HIV/AIDS epidemic?, p. 55 Notes, p. 58 References, p. 59 EGERÖ Berth, HIV/AIDS – GLOBALIZATION AND POLARIZATION, p. 61 Said about AIDS, p. 63 Introduction General review of the situation today and predictions, p. 65 A disease of the era of globalization, p. 66 The epidemic in a national perspective, p. 73 How do we understand the wide differences between countries?, p. 75 The most important and least addressed AIDS dimension: impacts on society, p. 81 AIDS – a challenge to the current world order, p. 84 Notes, p. 87 References, p. 88 ALTMAN Dennis, AIDS AND THE GLOBALIZATION OF SEXUALITY, p. 91 Sex, money and HIV, p. 99 HIV and the globalization of sexual identities, p. 104 HIV, globalization and the new language of sexual rights, p. 108 Notes, p. 113 References, p. 114 CHAN Leong K. and DONOVAN Raymond, SOUTH-EAST ASIAN HIV/AIDS. Dangerous Bodies and Public Moralities, p. 117 Introduction, p. 119 Graphic communication and HIV/AIDS, p. 120 HIV/AIDS and South-East Asia, p. 123 Visualising AIDS, p. 130 Visible/invisible dangers, p. 139 Graphic formats and spatial display, p. 142 Conclusion, p. 144 Notes, p. 145 References, p. 145 KADIYALA Suneetha and BARNETT Tony, INDIA’S HIV/AIDS EPIDEMIC. Questions of Responsibility, p. 147 Why is HIV/AIDS different?, p. 149 The initial response, p. 150 The Indian HIV/AIDS situation, p. 151 India – the fertile terrain for HIV, p. 153 Current response and gaps, p. 155 A change of consciousness, p. 160 Notes, p. 161 References, p. 162 EPSTEIN Steven, AIDS ACTIVISM AND STATE POLICIES IN THE UNITED STATES, p. 167 “Promiscuity” and the “gay disease”, p. 169 Building new institutions, p. 172 Acting up, p. 175 Treatment activism, p. 178 Outsiders and insiders, p. 179 The diversification of treatment activism, p. 181 The downturn in activism, p. 183 Ongoing controversies, p. 184 Notes, p. 185 References, p. 187 FALLÉR Maj-Lis, CIVIL SOCIETY AND HIV/AIDS IN BRAZIL. The Emergence of an AIDS Policy, p. 193 Introduction, p. 195 Background, p. 195 The epidemiology of HIV/AIDS, p. 198 The development of the response to AIDS in Brazil between 1980 and 2003, p. 201 The response from civil society and the role of NGOs in fighting AIDS, p. 202 The role of mass media in Brazil during the 1980s, p. 210 The history of public health in Brazil, p. 211 The role of international actors, p. 213 The national AIDS programme and the discourse of prevention, p. 216 The structure of the Brazilian AIDS programme, p. 217 Concluding remarks, p. 221 Notes, p. 223 References, p. 224 Acknowledgements, p. 226 BLACKWELL Michael, HIV/AIDS IN ROMANIA, p. 227 Introduction, p. 229 The HIV/AIDS crisis in children’s homes in the early 1990s, p. 230 HIV/AIDS in contemporary Romania, p. 236 What lies behind the contemporary transmission of HIV/AIDS?, p. 243 The Roma, p. 248 Prospects for the future, p. 251 Notes, p. 253 References, p. 254 KIRKEGAARD Ane Marie Ørbø, DEVASTATING IMAGERY? Connecting Colonial History to Contemporary Images and Realities of HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe, p. 257 Zimbabwe, p. 262 A history of the racialization of African sexuality, p. 264 Becoming a watchdog for your kids, p. 265 Being safe: living with your loved one, the only one, p. 268 A marriage broken down, the love gone, p. 269 Re-telling Erica’s story, p. 272 Making connections, p. 274 Notes, p. 276 References, p. 278 Other sources, p. 280, EK Ann-Charlotte, PERILOUS SILENCE AND DISCRIMINATING VISIBILITY. On Absent and Present Representations of HIV-Positive Individuals in South African Press 1998-2003, p. 281 News journalism – hastily produced, p. 285 South Africa’s media stage, p. 286 What does the South African media stage have to say?, p. 299 Putting fear in others, p. 301 Notes, p. 302 References, p. 304 Internet sources, p. 306 THORSÉN David, EPIDEMIC TIMES. A Brief History of HIV/AIDS in Sweden, p. 307 The disease, p. 309 The arrival, p. 310 The shock, p. 312 The challenge, p. 314 The strategies, p. 320 Today and tomorrow?, p. 325 Notes, p. 327 References, p. 328 SVENSSON Ingeborg, LOVE IS AS STRONG AS DEATH. Of Death and Burial among Gays in The Wake Of AIDS, p. 331 Introduction, p. 333 On homosexuality, illness and death, p. 334 Death and funerals in the wake of AIDS, p. 343 Notes, p. 356 References, p. 358 INDEX, p. 361
