Dear visitors,
We inform you that the Mucem will be closed on Monday 8 July for health reasons.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Reopening of the entire museum and our exhibitions Wednesday, July 10

Livre - Conte nomade

809.32 GOC



Actes Sud

Góczán Judit 1974 - ...

Weöres Sándor 1913 - 1989

Sáry László 1940 - ...

Szurcsik József 1959 - ...

Zaremba-Huzsvai Natalia

Zaremba Charles 1959 - ...

Hayrabedian Roland 1953 - ...


Presentation materielle : 1 vol. (50 p.)

Dimensions : 22 cm

L'ouvrage est bilingue, français-hongrois