Partner research programmes

Swich/Sharing a world of inclusion, creativity and heritage

This project, supported by the European 'Creatve Culture' programme, brings together ten European ethnographic museums, confident that their collections have an important role in the research being carried out on citizenship, multiculturalism, the relationship between heritage, a feel of belonging and mobility in Europe. The participative approach and co-creation processes are heavily promoted.


—Weltmuseum Wien
—Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde, Leiden
—Royal Museum of Central Africa, Tervuren
—Museum of Civilisations of Europe and the Mediterranean, Marseille
—Museums of World Culture, Sweden
—Linden-Museum, Stuttgart
—Museo Nazionale Preistorico Etnografico «Luigi Pigorini», Rome
—Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, Cambridge
—National Museum of Slovenia, Belgrade
—Museum of World Cultures, Barcelona
Switch project
"Creative dialogue: contemporary art in museums that are not art museums" 25—26 February
"The art of listening: Shared authority workshop" 25—26 May 2016
"The young make their museum": a co-commissariat participative experience as part of swich


‘Territographie' is an exploratory project aimed at evaluating the potential impact of the participative science process in the specific context of heritage sciences and related cultural initiatives.
The project is based on the complementarity between the Mucem and a CNRS research laboratory that is heavily involved in heritage issues (UMR, CNRS/MCC MAP). It targets a ‘small' heterogeneous material and immaterial heritage base and relates to diverse scientific disciplines and scales (isolated edifices, ‘agriculture and food' collections of Mucem, artisanal practices), and manifests itself necessarily through the introduction of an experimental digital platform for participative gathering and annotation techniques drawing on free technology.

PATREM/(Portraits of Actors in Territories that are Rural and Maritime)

The PATREM tool is a way for high school students to create filmed or photographed portraits of working people going about their business: fishermen, wine-growers, students and so on. Prior to starting out, students are introduced to ethnology and survey methodology in the field. They have the opportunity to explore, in an interactive manner, the collections of Mucem and the requirements of heritage preservation. The portraits will be put in the Gallery of the Mediterranean or will boost the collections of Mucem.

The PATREM project is an element of the Culture/Agriculture convention signed in 2OO8 between the French Directorate of Cultural Affairs (DRAC), and the Regional Directorate of food, agriculture and the forest (DRAFF) of the Provence-Alps-Cote d'Azur (PACA) region. It is undertaken in partnership with the Regional Complex for Pedagogic Information (CRIPT) and the Academy of Aix-Marseille.


The Mucem is a partner in the BEROSE programmes (Base d’études et de recherches sur l’organisation des savoirs ethnographiques en Europe – Base for Studies and Research on the Organisation of ethnographic knowledge in France), and SAHIEF (Sources Archives et Histoire Institutionnelle de l'Ethnomusicologie de la France – Sources for Archives and Institutional History of Ethnomusicology in France), supported by the Interdisciplinary to Institute of Anthropology of the Contemporary (IIAC- UMR 81777 CNRS-EHESS), the LAHIC team (Laboratory of anthropology and history of the institution of culture).