Livre - Danica Dakic

700 FOL

[Exposition. Dusseldorf, Kunsthalle. 2009] / [Exposition. Vienne, Generali Foundation. 2010] / [Exposition. Zagreb, Museum of Contemporary Art. 2010]



Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König

Folie Sabine 1962 - ...

Groos Ulrike 1963 - ...

Milovac Tihomir 1956 - ...

Holert Tom 1962 - ...

Bredekamp Horst 1947 - ...

Holz Georgia

Ortwig Jari

Städtische Kunsthalle (Düsseldorf, Allemagne)

Generali Foundation

Muzej suvremene umjetnosti (Zagreb)

Presentation materielle : 1 vol. (152 p.)

Dimensions : 28 cm

The Kunst­hal­le Düs­sel­dorf is pre­sen­ting the first com­pre­hen­si­ve, so­lo ex­hi­bi­ti­on of the in­stal­la­ti­on and vi­deo ar­tist Da­ni­ca Da­kić (1962 in Sa­ra­je­vo, Bos­nia-Her­ze­go­vi­na), who li­ves in Düs­sel­dorf. On dis­play will be nu­me­rous vi­deo in­stal­la­ti­ons, pho­to­graphs, and ob­jects from 1998 to the pre­sent, as well as works crea­ted es­pe­ci­al­ly for the ex­hi­bi­ti­on. The ex­hi­bi­ti­on, cu­ra­ted by Ul­ri­ke Groos wi­th the as­sis­tan­ce of Ja­ri Ort­wig, will then mo­ve to the Ge­ne­ra­li Fo­un­da­ti­on in Vi­en­na and the Mu­se­um for Con­tem­pora­ry Art Za­greb. Drawing on her ex­pe­ri­ence as a mi­grant, Da­ni­ca Da­kić ad­dres­ses the chan­ges in the mea­ning of the terms “ho­me,” “na­tio­na­li­ty,” and “iden­ti­ty” pro­vo­ked and im­po­sed by wars, re­li­gious con­flicts, so­cie­tal chan­ges, and glo­ba­li­sa­ti­on pro­ces­ses. She finds her the­mes and ac­tors throug­hout the who­le world. Cul­tu­ral in­ter­faces be­co­me the point of de­par­tu­re for ex­pe­ri­ments wi­th force­ful ima­ges and su­per-im­po­sed sounds. In her works, voices and song be­co­me iden­ti­ty-for­ming fac­tors. The vi­deo in­stal­la­ti­on Sur­round (2003), for ex­amp­le, shows a sta­ged rea­ding ri­tu­al wi­th se­ven peop­le knee­ling in a cir­cle, sin­ging and rea­ding extracts of re­li­gious texts. The work crea­tes the image of a com­mu­ni­ty that, de­s­pi­te its dif­fe­rent lan­gua­ges and be­liefs, re­gu­lar­ly co­mes to­ge­ther on a com­mon plat­form. An ex­hi­bi­ti­on ca­ta­lo­gue has be­en pre­pa­red by the Ver­lag der Buch­hand­lung Walt­her Kö­nig wi­th a fo­r­e­word by Ul­ri­ke Groos, Sa­bi­ne Fo­lie, and Ti­ho­mir Mil­ovac. It is avail­able in Ger­man/English and will be ap­pearing in English/Croa­ti­an in 2010. It con­tains an in­ter­view by Ul­ri­ke Groos and Ti­ho­mir Mil­ovac wi­th the ar­tist and es­says by Horst Bre­de­kamp, Sa­bi­ne Fo­lie, Tom Ho­lert, as well as brief ex­pla­na­to­ry texts on the works.

GROOS Ulrike, FOLIE Sabine, MILOVAC Tihomir, VORWORT UND DANK, p. 5 HOLERT Tom, Eine Politik der Figur = A politics of the figure , p. 9 FOLIE Sabine, Allegorien des Transitorischen = Allegories of transience, p. 21 BREDEKAMP Horst, Sprachkörper = Bodies of language, p. 33 GROOS Ulrike und MILOVAC Tihomir im Gespräch Danica Dakić = GROOS Ulrike and MILOVAC in mit conversation with Danica Dakić, p. 41 HOLZ Georgia, ORTWIG Jari, Werke = Works, p. 55 Annexe p. 139 Liste d’œuvres p. 140 Note biographique p. 144 Note biographique/Liste d’auteurs p. 148

Bilingue allemand-anglais. - Bibliogr. p. 144-146