Sunday, July 14 - Exceptional closure of Fort Saint-Jean at 4pm

On July 14, we inform you that Fort Saint-Jean and access to the exhibition «Achievements and masterpieces» will be exceptionally closed from 4pm.
The museum and exhibitions «Naturist paradises», «Mediterranean», «Shared passions» and «Popular?» will remain open at regular hours.

Livre - Histoires autour d'un brin d'halfa

809.32 LAG



le Verger des Hespérides

Lagny Delatour Véronique 1959 - ...

Lintignat Isabelle

Kadouri Hassan

Presentation materielle : 1 vol. (166 p.)

Dimensions : 21 cm

18 contes traditionnels recueillis dans l'Est du Maroc : récits des origines, fables animalières, contes merveilleux, etc.