Sunday, July 14 - Exceptional closure of Fort Saint-Jean at 4pm

On July 14, we inform you that Fort Saint-Jean and access to the exhibition «Achievements and masterpieces» will be exceptionally closed from 4pm.
The museum and exhibitions «Naturist paradises», «Mediterranean», «Shared passions» and «Popular?» will remain open at regular hours.

carte postale



Arts graphiques


début du XXe siècle

Papier cartonné, impression couleur

Largeur : 100 mm

Longueur : 150 mm

Carte postale , colorisée, dactylographiée Recto: Montreal, Jacques Cartier Market. 5211 Montreal Import Co., Montreal No. 150 verso: Post Card, Only the Adress on this side if sent Abroad (dans emplacement timbre) à gauche: for INLAND Postage only this space may be used for communication. à droite: The ADRESS only to be written here. immeubles de part et d'autre, obélisque ou colone commémorative, carioles (inscription sur une : H. Cadotte) et chevaux