Livre - Society and economy in Egypt and the Eastern Mediterranean

330.9 HAN



The American University in Cairo Press

Hanna Nelly

Abbas Raouf

Presentation materielle : vii, 245 p.

Dimensions : 24 cm

In his long academic career, historian André Raymond has been one of the foremost scholars of urban history in the Arab world, and in particular of Cairo during the Ottoman period. His work was instrumental in changing orientalist views on the decline and stagnation of this region prior to the modern period, and has inspired researchers across the academic spectrum. This diverse collection of studies by leading scholars in Egypt, the United States, and Europe offers a wide selection of recent research in Ottoman-era Egypt and the Middle East, and serves as a fitting tribute to Raymond’s own work. A main theme of this volume is the urban society and economy in Egypt and the eastern Mediterranean of the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries, suggesting new ways through which the history of this period can be understood. Topics include a comparison of Egypt’s experiences with Italy’s in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and an investigation of European attitudes toward the Orient through the travel accounts of Russian pilgrims to the Levant.

p.VII Acknowledgments p.1 Introduction: André Raymond, the Historian p.11 Egypt and Italy, 1760-1850: Toward a comparative History p.41 Power and authority in late eighteenth-century Egypt p.51 Les artisans dans la ville: Ateliers de tissage et tisserands d'Asyût à la fin du XVIIe siècle, d'après les registres du tribunal du qâdî p.99 The integration of religious communities in the workplace in Ottoman Syria and during their stay in Egypt p.117 The Fez merchants in eighteenth-century Cairo p.143 Heirs and debtors : blood relatives, qur'anic heirs, and business associates in Cairo, 1800-50 p.159 How the Shari'a sees women's work p.181The study of astronomy according to chronicle of al-Jabarti p.201 The organization of the Coptic community in the Ottoman period p.217 Islam and its adherents as represented in Russian pilgrims' reports of the eighteenth century

bibliographies et Notes bibliographiques en fin de chapitre.