Livre - Black Gold

779 LAC



Doha Film Institute

Lacombe Brigitte

Presentation materielle : 1 vol. (non paginé)

Dimensions : 32 cm.

"In 2010, Doha Film Institute began a collaboration with Brigitte Lacombe to document the emerging and iconic storytellers of the MENA region in a series titled "I am Film: a Work in Progress". There are close to 200 portraits in the series to date. As she continues to capture the faces of this dynamic community, it is with great excitement that we build on our collaboration for the "In Production" series, where she joins DFI behind the scenes to capture our first year of co-productions. This new chapter of our work with Brigitte Lacombe is launched with a film very close to our hearts, Qatar's first major feature film, "Black Gold".(Al-Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thânî, Founder and Board Chair of DFI-Introduction).

Intro. par Al-Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thânî (Fondatrice et PDG de DFI). Intro. par Amanda Palmer (manager exécutif de DFI). Préface par Jean-Jacques Annaud (réalisateur). Série de photos de Brigitte Lacombe prises sur les lieux de tournage/casting-réalisateur Jean-Jacques Annaud. Liste du casting et personnel de réalisation.

Catalogue photos de scènes issues de la réalisation du film "Black Gold" dans le cadre de la collaboration B. Lacombe/Doha Film Institute "I am Film: a Work in Progress".