Sunday, July 14 - Exceptional closure of Fort Saint-Jean at 4pm

On July 14, we inform you that Fort Saint-Jean and access to the exhibition «Achievements and masterpieces» will be exceptionally closed from 4pm.
The museum and exhibitions «Naturist paradises», «Mediterranean», «Shared passions» and «Popular?» will remain open at regular hours.

Livre - The musical culture of Silesia before 1742

780 GAN



Peter Lang

Gancarczyk Paweł

Hlávková-Mráčková Lenka

Pośpiech, Remigiusz

Presentation materielle : 1 vol. (335 p.)

Dimensions : 25 cm

The volume includes detailed studies concerning various aspects of the musical culture of Silesia from the fifteenth to mid-eighteenth centuries. The authors, who represent academic centres in Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, Slovakia, Holland, France and Great Britain, present new sources, as well as reinterpreting previously known facts and phenomena. What makes the approach here so original is that it takes into account the wider context of musical culture in Silesia, not limited to examining it exclusively in relation to the Polish, Czech or German cultures. Here we can see Silesia as one of the regions of Central Europe, and not merely as a western province of Poland, northern province of the Czech Kingdom, or eastern province of Prussia.

Preface, p. 7 Elbieta Witkowska-Zaremba, Early Keyboard Music in Sources from Prague and Silesia, p. 9 Veronika M. Mráková, The Silesian Tradition of Hymns to Czech Saints, p. 23 Jan Ciglbauer, Two Alleluia Chants in Nicolaus Cosel’s Manuscript: On the Creation of New Liturgical Music in 15th-Century Central Europe, p. 35 Paweł Gancarczyk, A New Fragment of 15th-Century Polyphony in Silesia and the Tradition of the Central-European Repertory, p. 45 Lenka Hlávková-Mráková, Die Saganer Stimmbücher (Das Glogauer Liederbuch) und die Traditionen des polyphonen Liedes in Mitteleuropa, p. 55 Jaap van Benthem, Die Saganer Stimmbücher (Das Glogauer Liederbuch): eine unbeachtete Quelle für Johannes Tourout?, p.71 Jacobijn Kiel, Two Anonymous Salve Settings in Warszawa, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, RM 5892, p. 83 Christian Thomas Leitmeir, Lutheran Propers for Wrocław/Breslau: The Cantus Choralis (1575) of Johannes Knöfel, p. 89 Marc Desmet, Jacob Handl’s Compositions Preserved in the Brzeg Manuscript Collection: Presentation and Chronological Clues, p. 115 Bernhold Schmid, Nach dir, Herr Christe, thut mein hertz verlangen. Ein unbekanntes Kontrafakt zu Jacob Regnarts Tutto lo giorno aus der Bibliothek des Gymnasiums in Brieg, p. 127 Thomas Napp, Transferprozesse zwischen Görlitz und Breslau am Beispiel des Meistergesangs im ausgehenden 16. Jahrhundert, p. 149 Janka Petczová, The Role of Silesia in the Development of Musical Culture in the Towns of Spiš/Zips and Šariš/Scharosch, p. 161 Paulina Halamska, Protestant Elite Milieu in the 17th-Century County of Kłodzko/Glatz as Exemplified by the Family of the Wrocław/Breslau Organist Tobias Zeutschner. Gloss to the Biography, p. 179 Tomasz Jez, Jesuit Melodrama in Baroque Kłodzko/Glatz, p. 187 Barbara Przybyszewska-Jarmiska, Marcin Mielczewski (d. 1651) and Alberik Mazák (1609–1661): A Silesian Perspective, p. 201 Grzegorz Joachimiak, A Week in the Blacksmith’s Life: Lutenists from Silesia and Bohemia around Count Losy von Losinthal (1650–1721), p. 215 Remigiusz Popiech, Ein Schlesier aus Oppeln in Prag: Franz Ludwig Poppe (1671–1730) und seine Werke in tschechischen Sammlungen, p. 257 Václav Kapsa, On the Way from Prague to Wrocław: Sacred Music by Early 18th-Century Prague Composers in Silesia, p. 267 Marc Niubo, Bernard Artophaeus and Bohuslav Matj Cernohorský. Casual Examples of Czech Music in Baroque Silesia or the Last Traces of Music by Minorites in Wrocław?, p. 289 Dominika Grabiec, The Motif of “Deafening with Trumpets” in Central European Passion Iconography, the Religious Renewal Movement “Devotio moderna” and Reform of the Begging Monastic Orders, p. 307 Martina Šárovcová, Choral Books from the Observant Franciscan Monastery in Wrocław from the End of the 17th Century, p. 317 Index of Persons, p. 327

Includes index.