Livre - Etnolog

E1PA 497.1 1



Slovenski etnografski muzej

Slovenski etnografski muzej (Ljubljana)

Etnolog is a scientific periodical with a long tradition and is published by the Slovene Ethnographic Museum. It was started in 1926. From its beginnings, the periodical went through three different periods. In the first period, from 1926 to 1944, it was published as Etnolog; in the following period, from 1948 to 1990, as Slovenski etnograf; and from 1991 to the present again as Etnolog, bulletin of the Slovene Ethnographic Museum. As a rule, one issue is published annually. The contents of Etnolog reach from scientific treatises to topical professional contributions. The journal publishes articles by domestic and foreign researchers from the fields of ethnology, cultural anthropology, museology, conservation, as well as from other human and social sciences. It links up experts from various related institutions in Slovenia and reaches out far beyond the borders of the Slovene Ethnographic Museum. Foreign authors from related disciplines often contribute to individual lead themes. Etnolog is well received abroad and has even become a model in terms of contents and design in some environments. Slovenian Research Agency ranked Etnolog among the country’s leading ethnological periodicals. The target readership of Etnolog are domestic and foreign ethnologists, anthropologists, museum workers, students and, of course, the numerous visitors of the Slovene Ethnographic Museum.

Numérotation: Nova vrsta, 1 (1991) = 52 - Texte en slovène avec résumés en anglais. - Semest. (1992-). - Annuel (1991) La tomaison parallèle (52- ) prend en compte les vol. des 2 titres antérieurs Périodicité : Annuel Titre(s) en liaison : Suite de : Slovenski etnograf = ISSN 0350-0330 - Pour les titres successifs, voir : *Etnolog