Dear visitors ,
We would like to inform you that some of our exhibition areas will be temporarily inaccessible for sanitary reasons.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and will do our utmost to reopen these areas as soon as possible.
We thank you for your understanding and patience.
During this period, we invite you to enjoy the other exhibitions and activities available at the museum and Fort Saint-Jean free of charge.

photographie - Album n°5 du fonds Soury








Rouillé Daniel

Carte postale photographique, monochrome

Hauteur : 8.9 cm

Largeur : 13.8 cm

Ménagerie A. Lambert. Paris. Place d'Italie (Fête Nationale du 14 juillet 1914). [Au verso :] Ménagerie A. Lambert (Charles Lambert) (Juillet 1914) : 2 lions, 2 lionnes nés à la Ménagerie Bouglione, 1 ours blanc provenant de la collection Pezon-Lucas, 2 hyènes rayées, 2 marcassins, 1 macaque commun, 1 macaque rhésus, 1 macaque bonnet-chinois, 1 macaque à queue de cochon, 1 cercopithèque callitriche, 1 vautour fauve, provenant de la collection Pezon-Lucas

Legs: Gustave Soury