Livre - Entrepreneurial Cultures in Europe

330.9 KIS



Kistemaker Renée E.

Tietmeyer Elisabeth 1960 - ...

Presentation materielle : 154 p.

Dimensions : 23 cm

The EU-funded project Entrepreneurial Cultures in European Cities (2008-2010) involved eleven museums and cultural organizations from eight European countries and for the very first time explored the potentials of small and medium-sized businesses for contributing to an emerging European society. The project first and foremost focused on the economic, social and cultural strategies of the entrepreneurs, many of whom have an immigrant background, but on a second tier also included interactions with their customers, frequently also from immigrant backgrounds. Intercultural dialogue was therefore of paramount importance in this project. This publication provides lively impressions of the local projects in all their variety, of the different methods applied, of the intercultural and interdisciplinary exchange and discussions, as well as, of course, the final overall results.

KISTEMAKER Renée E., TIETMEYER Elisabeth, Preface, p. 7 Introduction, p. 9 LOCAL PROJECT ACTIVITIES, p. 17 ENTREPRENEURS AND THEIR STORIES EEKEREN Annemarie van, “And how is your little one?” Neighbourhood shops in Amsterdam, p. 18 WILDT Annemarie de, Hayrani Erdim: “Slow down and have a coffee.”, p. 24 WILLEMESEN Marlous, Supertoko, on the commodification of diversity in Dutch urban settings, p. 28 ZILSTRA Thamar, Marcos Desta: “After Russian caviar and the Cuban cigar there is now Ethiopian coffee.”, p. 32 SOLER Carmen Garcia and BIGORRA Teresa Marcià, Two initiatives by the Barcelona City History Museum: Connected Barcelona. Transnational Citizens and Barcelona- Madrid, 40 Years of Neighbourhood Action, p. 34 SOLER Carmen Garcia and BIGORRA Teresa Marcià, Fatima Sounssi: “Once I myself was an immigrant, today I feel Barcelonian.”, p. 40 TIETMEYER Elisabeth and KLAGES Rita, Doner, Delivery and Design – new entrepreneurs in Berlin, p. 44 NEUDLAND-KITZEROW Dagmar, Asmaa Al-Souri: “I always say I am a human being from this earth.”, p. 51 Contents JONES Key, Liverpool project – The Secret Life of Smithdown Road, p. 54 JONES Key, Michael Richard: “I probably would have worked till I dropped dead.”, p. 60 SILLART Lea and VARRAK Maruta, A story of native and immigrant in Tallinn, p. 64 MERIVOO-PARRO Maarja and SILLART Lea, Viido Polikarpus: “I grew up with Estonia as Never Never Land.”, p. 68 DIMOGLOU Aegli, Museum of the City of Volos: a new museum is being created, p. 72 TOULOUPI Ionna, Zografia Georgiadou: “I was inspired by the old market district in Volos.”, p. 77 ANTOŠ Zvjezdana, How Zagreb entrepreneurs view the culture of coffee consumption, p. 80 ANTOŠ Zvjezdana, Dordet Najjar: “Let’s have a coffee!”, p. 86 APPLIED METHODS, p. 91 KLAGES Rita, EEKEREN Annemarie van, ROBINSON Helen and BIGORRA Teresa Marcià, Involving new audiences in museums: examples from Berlin, Amsterdam, Liverpool and Barcelona, p. 92 STAM Dineke, WESLY Jenny and TOULOUPI Ionna, Mediation through art: some pointers and examples, p. 98 KISTEMAKER Renée E., TIETMEYER Elisabeth, Collecting the present – historical and ethnographical approaches: the case of entrepreneurs, p. 104 JOINT RESULTS, p. 109 SCHIMDT Maria, The ECEC website, p. 111 ANTOŠ Zvjezdana, DEK – Digital Exhibition Kit: an interactive digital catalogue, p. 114 DEENIK Roosmarij, TIETMEYER Elisabeth and WILDT Annemarie de, Virtual collections of entrepreneurs, p. 116 EXCHANGE PROGRAMME: EXPERIENCES OF YOUNG PROFESSIONALS, p. 121 EEKEREN Annemarie van, From Amsterdam to Volos, p. 122 ÇAKIR Leyla, From Amsterdam to Liverpool, p. 124 PUIG Patricia, From Barcelona and Volos to Amsterdam, p. 126 BERNASCONI Gianenrico, From Berlin to Zagreb, p. 129 GIBBONS Christine, From Liverpool to Barcelona, p. 132 ŽIVKOVIĆ Marija, From Zagreb to Berlin, p. 134 INITIAL CONCLUSIONS AND OUTLINE FOR AN EVALUATION, p. 137 CHODZINSKI Günter and KISTEMAKER Renée E., Initial conclusions and outline for a final evaluation of the ECEC project, p. 138 APPENDIX, p. 143 Suggestions for further reading, p. 145 Involved museums and institutions, p. 147 Notes on the authors, p. 150