Sunday, July 14 - Exceptional closure of Fort Saint-Jean at 4pm

On July 14, we inform you that Fort Saint-Jean and access to the exhibition «Achievements and masterpieces» will be exceptionally closed from 4pm.
The museum and exhibitions «Naturist paradises», «Mediterranean», «Shared passions» and «Popular?» will remain open at regular hours.

Livre - Supernatural

709.05 PRI




Prina Paolo 1955 - ...

Mascelloni Enrico 1954 - ...

Imago mundi, Luciano Benetton collection

Bossan Enrico 1956 - ...

Presentation materielle : 325 p.

Dimensions : 21 x 22 cm

Contents : Introduction Call of the Wild - Luciano Benetton This forest is my home - Paolo Prina We Create these Works Because they are Beautiful - Enrico Mascelloni Artworks and Artists Sommaire : Introductions L'appel de la forêt - Luciano Benetton Cette forêt, c'est ma maison - Paolo Prina Nous réalisons ces oeuvres car elles sont belles - Enrico Mascelloni Oeuvres et Artistes Index