Dear visitors,
We inform you that the Mucem will be closed on Monday 8 July for health reasons.
Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Reopening of the entire museum and our exhibitions Wednesday, July 10

Livre - Supernatural

709.05 PRI




Prina Paolo 1955 - ...

Mascelloni Enrico 1954 - ...

Imago mundi, Luciano Benetton collection

Bossan Enrico 1956 - ...

Presentation materielle : 325 p.

Dimensions : 21 x 22 cm

Contents : Introduction Call of the Wild - Luciano Benetton This forest is my home - Paolo Prina We Create these Works Because they are Beautiful - Enrico Mascelloni Artworks and Artists Sommaire : Introductions L'appel de la forêt - Luciano Benetton Cette forêt, c'est ma maison - Paolo Prina Nous réalisons ces oeuvres car elles sont belles - Enrico Mascelloni Oeuvres et Artistes Index