For technical reasons, the exhibitions «Shared Passions», «Mediterranean», «Popular?» will be exceptionally closed until Friday, July 5 inclusive.

The Mucem and the new exhibition « Naturist paradises » and « Achievements and masterpieces » will be open and free to visitors until Friday July 5 inclusive.
Thank you for your understanding.

Livre - Le domaine d'Amon-Rê

930 ZAK



Ed. Lumina

Zaki Gihane 1966 - ...

Centre franco-égyptien d'étude des temples de Karnak

Kacimi El-Hassani Mustapha

Presentation materielle : 1 vol. (92 p.)

Dimensions : 34 cm

Préfaces/Zahi Hawass, Jean Leclant p. 3-6 Intro./Dominique Valbelle, Ali Radwan p. 9-15 Bibliogr. p. 90-92

Texte en arabe non translittéré avec trad. française en regard