For technical reasons, the exhibitions «Shared Passions», «Mediterranean», «Popular?», «Des exploits, des chefs d'œuvre» will be exceptionally closed until Friday, July 5 inclusive.

The Mucem and the new « Naturist paradises » exhibition will be open and free to visitors until Friday July 5 inclusive.

Thank you for your understanding.

Livre - Boulogne et la mer autrefois

1A 2.7 88

42-Saint-Étienne : impr. Reboul




Coursier Alain

Presentation materielle : 141 p.

Dimensions : 24 cm

LES BAINS DE MER, p. 5 Boulogne, p. 5 Le Portel, p. 19 Wimereux, p. 23 Gris-Nez, p. 29 LES TRAVERSÉES DE LA MANCHE, p. 35 LA CITÉ – BOULOGNE-SUR-MER, p. 41 LA VIE PORTUAIRE, p. 67 LES PÊCHEURS, p. 83 Tempêtes et naufrages, p. 119 Les animations de la ville, p. 127 TABLE DES MATIÈRES