Dear visitors ,
We would like to inform you that some of our exhibition areas will be temporarily inaccessible for sanitary reasons.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and will do our utmost to reopen these areas as soon as possible.
We thank you for your understanding and patience.
During this period, we invite you to enjoy the other exhibitions and activities available at the museum and Fort Saint-Jean free of charge.

Our exhibitions reopen in full on Wednesday, July 10.

Livre - Pourquoi la torture ne marche pas

610 OMA



Markus Heller

O'Mara Shane

Rigaud-Drayton Margaret

Presentation materielle : 1 vol. (362 p.)

Dimensions : 23 cm

L'auteur, chercheur en neurosciences, explique pourquoi la torture ne fonctionne pas, et démontre comment les agents stresseurs utilisés, comme la peur, la privation de sommeil ou de nourriture, affectent la mémoire, l'humeur et la pensée, réduisant ainsi sévèrement les capacités cognitives de la personne torturée.

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