Livre - Black and Blue

708 BOU / 700 FAB




Bouayed Anissa 1953 - ...

Presentation materielle : 1 vol. (64 p.)

Dimensions : 28 cm

This exhibition opens with Goya and Miro, the lights and their shadows, the idea of civilisation and its inverse, which vindicates violence and conquest. The Black and Blue… A crossing of imaginary representations of the Mediterranean, in twelve moments: A Tour of the Mediterranean in the Eighteenth Century; Conquest and Civilisation; Antiquities; Vacation; Exchanges and Cosmopolitism; A Shared Dream?; Domination and Affirmation ; A Dream Destroyed and Reinvented; Blue Tourism / Black Mafia ; The Mediterranean of the Dark Years (Beirut, Algiers, Sarajevo, Jerusalem); Crossings and “A Salvo of the Future…”. A story and a journey, from one shore of the Mediterranean to the other, that invites us to come look from the other side of the mirror. An exhibition of civilisation that combines paintings, sculptures, photographs and contemporary installations, rare documents, books, manuscripts and journals, and images from the archives, both documentary and fiction. A Mediterranean dream, constantly renewed, which does not forget the nightmares of history, yet is never imprisoned. The Black and Blue…