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Nous nous excusons pour la gêne occasionnée et mettons tout en œuvre pour rouvrir ces espaces dans les meilleurs délais.
Nous vous remercions de votre compréhension et de votre patience.
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Réouverture complète de nos expositions mercredi 10 juillet.

Livre - A-Z of Wedding Style: V&A Fashion Style Guides

746 BET



V & A publishing

Bethune Kate

Kaada Mette

Presentation materielle : 144 p.

This entertaining A to Z follows the success of the popular V&A guides to Style and Hollywood Style. Compiled by Kate Bethune, it brings together style tips, pithy advice and engaging opinions in a beautiful book that will make a perfect present for anyone getting ready for a wedding, or indeed recovering from one. Where fashion has always moved on swiftly from season to season, bridal wear can keep a trend or style current for several years or longer - maintaining perennial favourites and occasional revivals. Concentrating on wedding style, but also featuring thoughts on etiquette and history, this book captures some of the abiding wisdom and witticisms that surround the Happy Day.