Dimanche 14 juillet - Fermeture exceptionnelle du fort Saint-Jean à 16h

Nous vous informons que le fort Saint-Jean et l'accès à l'exposition « Des exploits, des chefs d'œuvres » seront exceptionnellement fermés à partir de 16h le dimanche 14 juillet.
Le musée et les expositions « Paradis naturistes », « Méditerranées », « Passions partagées » et « Populaire ? » resteront ouverts aux horaires habituels.

Livre - Volume 49 Number 3 - May 2013

PC 20



ORIGINAL ARTICLES BEN-BASSAT Yuval, Rural Reactions to Zionist Activity in Palestine before and after the Young Turk Revolution of 1908 as Reflected in Petitions to Istanbul, p. 349 TANVIR Syed, A Distinguıshed and Loyal Ottoman Civil Servant: Hüseyin Nâzım Pasha, p. 364 MENDEL Yonatan, A Sentiment-Free Arabic: On the Creation of the Israeli Accelerated Arabic Language Studies Programme, p. 383 PELED-SHAPIRA Hilla, ‘Permitted and Forbidden’ – Conventions of Relations between the Sexes and Their Contravention as Reflected in the Novels of Ghāˀib Ṭuˁma Farmān, p. 402 POLKA SAGI, Taqrib al-Madhahib – Qaradawi's Declaration of Principles Regarding Sunni–Shi‛i Ecumenism, p. 414 HERMANN Denis, Akhund Khurasani and the Iranian Constitutional Movement, p. 430 GÜRPINAR Doğan, The Reinvention of Kemalism: Between Elitism, Anti-Elitism and Anti-Intellectualism, p. 454 REY Matthieu, How Did the Middle East Meet the West? The International United Nations Agencies’ Surveys in the 1950s, p. 477 REVIEW ARTICLE MANGO Andrew, Turkey Old and New – A Bibliographical Survey: Part 3. The Republic of Turkey Today, p. 494 BOOK REVIEWS MATTHIAS Jörg, Legal and Political Reforms in Sa‘udi Arabia, by Joseph A. Kéchichian, Abingdon and New York, Routledge, 2013. Pp. 352, index. $51.95 (paper) ISBN 978-0-415-63019-1, p. 502 JONES Clive, Moshe Dayan: Israel's Controversial Hero, by Mordechai Bar-On, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT and London, 2012, Pp. xii + 247, notes, index. £18.99 (hardback) ISBN 978-0-300-14941-8, p. 503 ROMERO Juan, Lebanon: A History, 600–2011, by William Harris/Lebanon After the Cedar Revolution, by Are Knudsen and Michael Kerr (eds.), New York, Oxford University Press, 2012. Pp. xxv + 360, bibliography, index. £22.50 (hardback) ISBN 978-0-19-518111-1/London, Hurst & Company, 2012. Pp. xviii + 323, bibliography, index. £16.99/$29.95 (paperback) ISBN 978-1-84904-249-9, p. 506 ZELKOVITZ Ido, The Smarter Bomb: Women and Children as Suicide Bombers, by Anat Berko Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Lanham, Maryland, 2012. Pp. 212, bibliography, index. £25.95/$42.00 (hardback) ISBN 978-1-4422-1952-6; £25.95/$41.99 (eBook) ISBN 978-1-4422-1954-0, p. 511 BOOK REVIEW AMARILYO Eli, Iraq's Democratic Moment, by Foulath Hadid, London: Hurst & Company, 2012. 338 pp., bibliography, index, 23 illustrations. Price:… ISBN: 978-1849042185., p. 513 ERRATUM The Circuitous Nature of Operation Ajax, p. 515