Dimanche 14 juillet - Fermeture exceptionnelle du fort Saint-Jean à 16h

Nous vous informons que le fort Saint-Jean et l'accès à l'exposition « Des exploits, des chefs d'œuvres » seront exceptionnellement fermés à partir de 16h le dimanche 14 juillet.
Le musée et les expositions « Paradis naturistes », « Méditerranées », « Passions partagées » et « Populaire ? » resteront ouverts aux horaires habituels.

Livre - Exit Voice, and Loyalty

1B ECO 180



Harvard University

Hirschman Albert O. 1915 - 2012

Presentation materielle : X-162 p.

Dimensions : 21 cm

1. Introduction and doctrinal background, p. 1 Enter “exit” and “voice” Latitude for deterioration, and slack in economic thought Exit and voice as impersonations of economics and politics 2. Exit, p. 21 How the exit option works, competition as collusive behavior 3. Voice, p. 30 Voice as a residual of exit, voice as an alternative to exit 4. A special difficulty in combining exit and voice, p. 44 5. How monopoly can be comforted by competition, p. 55 6. On spatial duopoly and the dynamics of two-party systems, p. 62 7. A theory of loyalty, p. 76 The activation of voice as a function of loyalty, loyalist behavior as modified by severe initiation and high penalties for exit Loyalty and the difficult exit from public goods (and evils) 8. Exit and Voice in American ideology and practice, p. 106 9. The elusive optimal mix of exit and voice, p. 120 APPENDIXES A. A simple diagrammatic representation of voice and exit, p. 129 B. The choice between voice and exit, p. 132 C. The reversal phenomenon, p. 138 D. Consumer reactions to price rise and quality decline in the case of several connoisseur goods, p. 141 E. The effects of severity of initiation on activism: design for an experiment (in collaboration with Philip G. Zimbardo and Mark Snyder), p. 146 Index, p. 157
