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Livre - Disliking others

956 KAR



Academic Studies Press

Karateke Hakan T.

Çipa Hakki Erdem 1971 - ...

Anetshofer Helga

Presentation materielle : 1 vol. (339 pages)

Dimensions : 25 cm.

Recent historical studies on the Ottoman Empire have taken for granted that subjects of the Ottoman polity flourished under a so-called "Pax Ottomanica." This edited volume probes the rosy narrative of Ottoman tolerance that has long dominated the discussions. The articles carefully strive to contextualize the many issues that sound like ethnic slurs, racial stereotyping, religious discrimination, misogyny and elitism to modern ears. The goal of the volume is not to prove that Ottoman society was a persecuting one, or that dislike or distrust was its defining characteristic, but to investigate the axes of tension, blemishes, and fractures in the everyday practice of coexistence in a dynamic, multi-religious, multi-confessional and multi-ethnic empire in which difference was the norm rather than the exception. Hakan T. KARATEKE (PhD, Bamberg University) is Professor of Ottoman and Turkish Culture, Language, and Literature at the University of Chicago. He is the author of Evliya Çelebi’s Journey from Bursa to the Dardanelles and Edirne (2013) and an article titled “The Rosy History of Jews in the Ottoman Empire: A Critical Approach to Jewish Historiography.” H. Erdem ÇIPA (PhD, Harvard University) is Associate Professor of Ottoman history at the University of Michigan. He is the author of The Making of Selim: Succession, Legitimacy, and Memory in the Early Modern Ottoman World (2017) and co-editor, with E. Fetvacı, of Writing History at the Ottoman Court: Editing the Past, Fashioning the Future (2013). Helga ANETSHOFER (PhD, Vienna University) is Lecturer for Ottoman and Turkish Studies at the University of Chicago. Her publications include her recent articles “Folk Etymologies and Stories of Toponyms from Danishmendid Territory in Evliya Çelebi’s Seyahatname” (2015) and “The Hero Dons a Talismanic Shirt for Battle: Magic Objects Aiding the Warrior in a Turkish Epic Romance” (2018).

INTRODUCTION, p. xi H. Erdem ÇIPA, Changing Perceptions about Christian-born Ottomans: Anti-ḳul Sentiments in Ottoman Historiography, p. 1 Jane HATHAWAY, Circassian Mamluks in Ottoman Egypt and Istanbul, ca. 1500–1730: The Eastern Alternative, p. 22 Baki TEZCAN, Dispelling the Darkness of the Halberdier’s Treatise: A Comparative Look at Black Africans in Ottoman Letters in the Early Modern Period, p. 43 Bilha MOOR, The Jew, the Orthodox Christian, and the European in Ottoman Eyes, ca. 1550–1700, p. 75 Hakan T. KARATEKE, An Ottoman Anti-Judaism, p. 107 Hakan T. KARATEKE, Evliyā Çelebī’s Perception of Jews, p. 128 Vjeran Kursar, Ambiguous Subjects and Uneasy Neighbors: Bosnian Franciscans’ Attitudes toward the Ottoman State, ‘Turks,’ and Vlachs, p. 148 Konrad Petrovszky, ‘Those Violating the Good, Old Customs of our Land’: Forms and Functions of Graecophobia in the Danubian Principalities, 16th–18th Centuries, p. 187 Faika ÇELIK, Representing the Margins: The Many Faces of the ‘Gypsy’ in Early Modern Ottoman Discourse, p. 215 İpek HÜNER-CORA, Gendered Infidels in Fiction: A Case Study on S̱ābit’s Ḥikāye-i Ḫvāce Fesād, p. 244 Emin LELIĆ, ‘The Greatest of Tribulations’: Constructions of Femininity in Sixteenth-Century Ottoman Physiognomy, p. 264 Michael SHERIDAN, Defining and Defaming the Other in Early Seventeenth-Century Ottoman Invective, p. 296 Helga ANETSHOFER, ‘Are You From Çorum?’: Derogatory Attitudes Toward the “Unruly Mob” of the Provinces as Reflected in a Proverbial Saying, p. 321 INDEX, p. 324