Livre - Encompassing the globe

946 LEV



Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution

Levenson Jay Alan

Curto Diogo Ramada 1959 - ...

Turner Jack 1968 - ...

Presentation materielle : 1 vol. (386 p.)

Dimensions : 32 cm

The Portuguese voyages brought about a dramatic revolution; they were the first real interaction among the cultures of the world in modern times and led to the creation of strikingly beautiful and highly original works of art. This incredible collection of images, drawn from a new Smithsonian exhibition, features more than 250 full-color reproductions of paintings, sculptures, manuscripts, maps, early books, and many other extraordinary creations from museums and private holdings around the world. Essays by leading authorities shed new light on the period, especially on the motivations behind Portuguese expansion, including the remarkable story of the search for Eastern spices. Altogether, this book offers an unforgettable insight into a new world during its formation. Published by the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery on the occasion of the exhibition Encompassing the Globe: Portugal and the World in the 16th and 17th Centuries, organized by the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery in partnership with the National Museum of African Art. Jay Levenson is the Director of the International Program at the Museum of Modern Art, and organized Circa 1492: Art in the Age of Exploration (1991) and The Age Baroque in Portugal (1993) for National Gallery of Art.

SILVA Aníbal Cavaco, President of the Republic of Portugal, Foreword, p. 8 LIMA Isabel Pires de, Minister of Culture, Portugal, Foreword, p. 9 DAVIGNON Etienne, DUJARDIN Paul, CENTER FOR FINE ARTS, BRUSSELS, Foreword, p. 10 RABY Julian, ARTHUR M. SACKLER GALLERY, Foreword, p. 11 Acknowledgements, p. 13 A note on the Maps, p. 16 LEVENSON Jay A., Portugal and the World, p. 21 CURTO Diogo Ramada, Portuguese navigations: the pitfalls of national histories, p. 37 TURNER Jack, Spices and Christians, p. 45 PORTUGAL, p. 55 AFRICA, p. 145 BRAZIL, p. 183 INDIAN OCEAN, p. 223 CHINA, p. 277 JAPAN, p. 317 Lenders to the Exhibition/Photograph Credits, p. 364 Contributors, p. 378 Endnotes, p. 379 Index, p. 383

Publié à l'occasion de l'exposition éponyme, Washington, Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, 24 juin-16 septembre 2007. Notes bibliogr. p. 379-382. Index