Domingo 14 de julio - Cierre excepcional del Fort Saint-Jean a las 16h

El 14 de julio le informamos que el fuerte San Juan y el acceso a la exposición «Hazañas, obras maestras» se cerrarán excepcionalmente a partir de las 16h.
El museo y las exposiciones «Paraísos naturistas», «Mediterráneos», «Pasiones compartidas» y «¿Populares?» permanecerán abiertos a los horarios habituales.

Livre - Volume 28, Number 2 - December 2013

PC 19



ORIGINAL ARTICLES ROWAN Clare, Coinage as commodity and bullion in the western Mediterranean, ca. 550–100 BCE, p. 105 GIEBFRIED John, The Mongol invasions and the Aegean world (1241–61), p. 129 LÓPEZ PÉREZ María Dolores and PADILLA LAPUENTE José Ignacio, Mallorcan merchants in the medieval Maghrib: mercantile strategies in the port of Hunayn in the mid-fourteenth century, p. 141 RODRIGUES DA SILVA TAVIM José Alberto, The Grão-Turco and the Jews: translation to the West of two Oriental ‘powers’ (XVI–XVII centuries), p. 167 MOUTAFIDOU Ariadni, Giovanni di Niccolò Pappaffy: identities and philanthropies of an Ottoman Greek broker in Malta, p. 191 BOOK REVIEWS STANTCHEV Stefan, How to defeat the Saracens. Guillelmus Ade, Tractatus quomodo Sarraceni sunt expugnandi, p. 225 SELA Shlomo, A kingdom of stargazers: astrology and authority in the late medieval Crown of Aragon, p. 228 JUDDE DE LARIVIÈRE Claire, Trading conflicts: Venetian merchants and Mamluk officials in late medieval Alexandria, p. 230 BRENTJES Sonja, Mamluks and animals: veterinary medicine in medieval Islam, p. 232 GLUZMAN Renard, ‘Salariato’ della nave Girarda-San Nicolò per il viaggio da Venezia alla Sardegna (1594–1595), p. 234 RABINOVITCH Oded, Captives and corsairs: France and slavery in the early modern Mediterranean, p. 237 KASTRITSIS Dimitris J., The rise of the Ottoman Empire: studies in the history of Turkey, thirteenth–fifteenth centuries, p. 240 HATHAWAY Jane, Conquête ottomane de l'Égypte (1517): arrière-plan, impact, échos, p. 243 KATZ David S., The Turk and Islam in the Western eye, 1450–1750: visual imagery before Orientalism, p. 245 ALEXANDER (ALEXANDROPOULOS) John C., Catalogue du fonds ottoman des archives du monastère de Saint Jean à Patmos. Les vingt-deux premiers dossiers, p. 249 BALARD Michel, Documents concerning Cyprus from the Hospital's Rhodian Archives 1409–1459, p. 251 ANTOV Nikolay, Les Conversions à l'Islam en Asie Mineure et dans les Balkans aux époques Seldjoukide et Ottomane : bibliographie raisonnée (1800–2000), p. 252 PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED, p. 255 EDITORIAL BOARD, p. ebi