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Livre - Straw work and corn dollies

1B ADE 36




Sandford Lettice 1902 - 1993

Presentation materielle : 96 p.

Dimensions : 21 cm

The range of straw work now takes in the making of straw jewelry (earrings, medallions, pendants), fantasy birds and animals, the covering of boxes, and marquetry collages. This increase in its application has so widened the appeal of straw work as to lead to a remarkable revival of interest in the medium. In museums ail over the country are shown beautiful examples of elaborate straw work, mostly corn dollies, made by masters of the craft. From the knowledge gained by studying their work, new and varied designs have been evolved. Lettice Sandford’s book gives detailed instructions, with the aid of clear diagrams and photographs, for making some delightful and imaginative designs : Birds; Animals; A Witch ; Medallions ; Straw marquetry; Stars; Straw or rush rope ; Straw jewelry; Corn dollies and Harvest crosses; a Mexican sun mask ; and a Pembroke chandelier. There is also a dictionary of plaits and a list of useful reference books. Lettice Sandford is a well-known exponent of straw work and corn dolly making. She runs courses yearly on this craft at her home at Eye Manor, Leominster, where she has a permanent exhibition of work.

Acknowledgment, p. 6 Straw work, p. 7 Suitable types of corn, p. 8 Basic instructions, p. 8 Things to make with straw, p. 10 Birds, p. 10 Mexican bird, p. 10 Scandanavian cockerel, p. 12 Russian cockerel, p. 13 Owl, p. 14 Animals, p. 16 Scandanavian goat, p. 16 North country sheep, p. 17 Harvest mouse, p. 18 Hedgehog, p. 19 Witch, p. 22 Medallions, p. 24 Straw marquetry, p. 26 Oak leaf in straw marquetry, p. 28 Star in straw marquetry, p. 28 Marquetry collage, p. 30 Stars, p. 32 Decorative plaque of nine stars, p. 32 Filigree star, p. 34 Eight point star, p. 36 Stars from a simple strand, p. 37 Miniature three point star, p. 38 Straw rope tray, p. 42 Straw jewelry, p. 44 Medallions, ear-rings and a pendant, p. 44 Pendants and favours, p. 46 Straw rose, p. 48 Corn dollies and harvest crosses, p. 49 Fish fan, p. 50 Arabic ‘cage’, p. 52 Bouquet de Moisson, p. 54 Workman’s star, p. 57 Hexagon cross, p. 58 Luston ring, p. 60 Topsham cross, Devon, p. 62 Double Mordiford, p. 64 Pembroke chandelier, p. 66 Mexican sun mask, p. 68 Dictionary of plaits, p. 71 Spirals, p. 71 Spiral with core method one, p. 71 Spiral with core method two, p. 72 Spiral without core lantern, p. 73 Joining, p. 74 Other plaits with core, p. 77 Triangular four plait, p. 77 Three plait ribbon plait, p. 78 Six plait, p. 79 Miscellaneous close-linked plaits, p. 80 Group-linked plaits, p. 81 Plaits at varying angles, p. 82 Folded plaits, p. 84 Three plait (cat foot), p. 84

Bibliogr. p. 96