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Livre - Kilim

D 363



Thames and Hudson

Hull Alastair

Luczyc-Wyhowska José

Barnard Nicholas

Presentation materielle : 352 p.

Dimensions : 33 cm

Bold, distinctive patterns; brilliant colours; astonishingly diverse decoration; affordability. These are some of the characteristics that explain why the marvellous flatwoven textiles known as kilims have become so popular in the West. In recent years, demand for them has reached unprecedented levels, fuelled by a new recognition of the special qualities of handmade ethnic craft. There is now an urgent need for a comprehensive survey of the field. Kilim : the complete Guide answers this need, unravelling the complex questions surrounding the origins and history of these unique flatweaves, and of the peoples who male them. Hundreds of illustrations, many in colour and many specially taken, offer a remarkable blend of information and the dazzling visual allure for which kilims are famous. A detailed account of techniques - embracing materials, dyes and dyeing, tools, kilim structures and weaving - is followed by a systematic analysis of motifs and symbolism. Here, the complex relationship between Islam and the animistic or shamanistic traditions that preceded it is explored, but so too are the many pitfalls that await any researcher who does not take into account the lore of the bazaar or the marketplace. The core of the book is devoted to the specific characteristics of region, tribe and kilim type. Four major sections present the fruits of much original research, fully informing the reader about the kilims he is likely to encounter : those from the North African countries of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia ; the enormously important kilims of Anatolia; the riches of Persia and the Caucasus : and - for some the most attractive of all - the creations of the Afghan and Central Asian nomads. Chapters on new kilims and the uses of kilims - as bags and trappings as well as rugs - together with a reference guide to collecting, care and further study, conclude what will swiftly become the standard work on a widely appealing subject.

Bibliogr. p.341-343. Notes bibliogr.