Domingo 14 de julio - Cierre excepcional del Fort Saint-Jean a las 16h

El 14 de julio le informamos que el fuerte San Juan y el acceso a la exposición «Hazañas, obras maestras» se cerrarán excepcionalmente a partir de las 16h.
El museo y las exposiciones «Paraísos naturistas», «Mediterráneos», «Pasiones compartidas» y «¿Populares?» permanecerán abiertos a los horarios habituales.

Livre - Olympics

796 WAC




Amendt Andreas 1978 - ...

Wassong Stephan 1969 - ...

Wacker Christian 1966 - ...

Āl Ṯānī Ḥamad ibn H̱alīfaẗ

Papoúlias Károlos 1929 - 2021

Al Mayassa bint Hamad bin Khalifa Āl Ṯānī Sheikha 1982 - ...

Tzavaras Kōnstantínos 1955 - ...

Mendóni Lína G.

Andreadákī-Vlazákī María

Ikonomou Eleftherios

Qatar museums (Doha)

Qatar Olympic and Sports Museum

Presentation materielle : 1 vol. (320 p.)

Dimensions : 31 cm

At the end of the 191h century Baron Pierre de Coubertin revived the ancient Olympic Games, which were inaugurated in the 8th century BCE and have survived for longer than one millennium. Coubertin took these cultic games in Olympia as a point of orientation and added educational values that modern times saw in sports. Although the modern Olympic Games cannot be seen as an actual renewal of the ancient ones, the reference to the staging of sport events in a four-year cycle along with special ceremonies as well as the blending with philosophical ideas easily gives way to a feeling of connection to the ancient Olympic Games. Therefore, the reader might enjoy learning about the history of the Games in ancient Olympia, their meaning for Greek society in Antiquity, the programme of the Games, etc. in the first part of this interdisciplinary collection of essays, and then discaver parallels and disparities to the modern Olympics described in the second part. ln these essays on the recent Olympic tradition, the prehistory of the modern Olympic Games in England, Germany, France, Sweden and Greece is traced, before the focus is turned on the longer-lasting efforts of Coubertin that led to the first modern Olympic Games in 1896. Since then the Olympics have become a happening that attracts huge attention all over the world. The interest, not only of sports enthusiasts, for this biggest multi-sport event is reflected by the growing numbers of viewers on television worldwide. Of course, the ever growing popularity of this occasion every four years bears an enormous advertising effect that attracts countries to show off their strength, mayors hoping to boost their city’s popularity, companies to market their products, and finally athletes to market themselves – sometimes with the help of illegal substances. Nonetheless, for the majority of the main actors in this celebration of sports the participat ion in the Olympics means more than having better prospects in money making. Coubertin’s message “the important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part” still holds true for sportsmen and sportswomen, who have to invest a lot for taking part in the Summer and Winter Olympic Games, Paralympics or, more recently, the Youth Olympic Games. The Editors Dr Christian Wacker is director of the Qatar Olympic and Sports Museum in Doha (Qatar). Prof. Dr Stephan Wassong is director of the Institute of Sports History, executive director of the Centre of Olympic Studies and vice-president at the German Sports University in Cologne (Germany). Andreas Amendt is head of library at the Qatar Olympic and Sports Museum in Doha (Qatar). In ancient times the Olympic Games were a ritual act that was more than a symbol for the widespread Greek city states. Today they are the biggest multi-sports event that indeed brings together the world with more than 200 participating nations. ln this catalogue well-founded and fascinating contributions from renowned authors add a global perspective to the phenomenon that the Olympics have become and trace their evolution from a great idea to a grand spectacle. The illustrated history of the ancient and modern Olympic Games covers the diverse aspects of the celebrated international event, from the discovery of the site of Olympia and the varied renaissance of the Olympic Games in the 19th century, to their diversification into Olympic Winter Games, Paralympics and Youth Olympic Games, to topics like doping, commercialisation as well as sustainability of the Olympic Games. ln this publication, students, scholars and the generally interested reader alike will find a valuable source of information about all essential aspects of the event that shaped ancient Greek culture and has today regained its huge impact on the whole world.

CONTENTS, p. 7 MESSAGES His Highness Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa AL-THANI, Amir of the State of Qatar, p. 11 His Excellency Karolos PAPOULIAS, President of the Hellenic Republic, p. 12 His Excellency Sheikha Al Mayassa Bint Hamad Bin Khalifa AL-THANI, Chairperson of the Qatar Museums Authority, p. 13 His Excellency Konstantinos TZAVARAS, Alternate Minister of Education and Religious Affairs, Culture and Sports, p. 14 AMENDT Andreas, Dr WACKER Christian, Professor Dr WASSONG Stephan, FORWORD BY THE EDITORS, p. 15 ANCIENT PART I OLYMPIA MYTH – CULT- GAMES MESSAGES Dr MENDONI Lina, Secretary General of Culture, p. 19 Dr ANDREADAKI-VLAZAKI Maria, General Director of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage, p. 20 Dr IKONOMOU Eleftherios, Director of the Hellenic Foundation of Culture in Berlin, p. 21 OLYMPIA – HISTORICAL ESSAYS GEHRKE Hans-Joachim, The History of Olympia, p. 25 KYRIELEIS Helmut, The Early History of Olympia. Myth and Archaeological Research, p. 33 VIKATOU Olympia, Olympia and Its Surroundings du ring the Mycenaean Period, p. 39 VALAVANIS Panas, The Political and Social Role of Olympia, p. 45 SINN Ulrich, Olympia and the Games in Roman Times, p. 53 OLYMPIA AND THE ANCIENT WORLD ANDREOU Elias & PSYCHOGIOU-ANDREOU loanna, Elis and Olympia, p. 61 ARAPOJANNI Xeni, Elis and Messenia. New Research, p. 69 NAFISSI Massimo, Olympia and Its Relationships in the West, p. 76 PHILIPP Hanna, Archaic Olympia and the Ancient Orient, p. 78 OLYMPIA – THE DISCOVERY SCHNAPP Alain, The Forgetting and Rediscovery of Olympia from the Beginnings to the Expédition de Morée, p. 85 MOUSTAKA Aliki, The German and Greek Excavations, p. 93 HATZI Georgia E., Olympia’s Museums, Their Visitors and the Finds in Athens and Berlin, p. 101 VIKATOU Olympia & PARASCHI Katerina, The Olympian Landscape and Its Restoration after the Fires, p. 108 OLYMPIA – THE SANCTUARY EDER Birgitta, The Early Sanctuary at Olympia and Its Environs, p. 116 BAUMEISTER Peter, The Treasuries and Ancient Olympia’s Foreign Relations, p. 119 GAUER Werner, Well Finds, Festival Delegations and Festive Occasions, p. 127 Olympia – The Athleties MANN Christian, Sport in Antiquity and Its Social Significance, p. 135 KALTSAS Nikolaos, The Human Image and Sport, p. 139 BENTZ Martin, Material Evidence of Ancient Sport. Equipment, Prizes, Images, p. 147 WACKER Christian, The Programme of the Ancient Olympic Games, p. 155 MODERN PART / OLYMPICS VALUES – COMPETITIONS – MEGA EVENTS PRE-HISTORY OF THE MODERN OLYMPICS DECKER Wolfgang, Pre-Olympic Olympias. Olympic Games before the Modern Olympics, p. 165 WASSONG Stephan, On the Way to the Modern Olympic Games, p. 173 History of the Modern Olympic Games LENNARTZ Karl, The Summer Olympics. A Historical Step into the Topic, p. 183 KLUGE Volker, The Winter Olympics. From Ugly Ouckling to a Festival of Snow and Ice, p. 205 OLYMPIC ATHLETES EMRICH Eike, Olympic Athletes and Records, p. 219 PFISTER Gertrud, Women at the Olympic Games, p. 227 DOLL-TEPPER Gudrun, Games for People with Disabilities, p. 237 AROUND THE OLYMPICS MOLZBERGER Ansgar, More than just a Sporting Event. Olympic Games and Its Rituals, p. 245 JÄGEMANN Hans, The Olympic Games and Sustainability, p. 251 GÜLDENPFENNIG Sven, The Olympic Games and Politics? The Olympic Games because of and in spite of Politics!, p. 257 KRIEGER Jörg, Youth Olympic Games, p. 269 BARNEY Robert K. & WENN Stephen R., Selling Image and Exposure. The Rise of Olympic Commercialism, p. 277 APPENDIX Statistics of the Modern Olympic Games and the Olympic Winter Games, 1896-2012, p. 288 Bibliography, p. 303 Picture Credits, p. 315

"Accompanying publication to the exhibition "Olympics -- Past & Present" of the Qatar Olympic & Sports Museum (QOSM) from March 27-June 30, 2013 in ALRIWAQ DOHA exhibition space, Qatar:"--T.p. verso