Domingo 14 de julio - Cierre excepcional del Fort Saint-Jean a las 16h

El 14 de julio le informamos que el fuerte San Juan y el acceso a la exposición «Hazañas, obras maestras» se cerrarán excepcionalmente a partir de las 16h.
El museo y las exposiciones «Paraísos naturistas», «Mediterráneos», «Pasiones compartidas» y «¿Populares?» permanecerán abiertos a los horarios habituales.

Livre - ReBerth: Stories from Cities on the Edge

809.3 HIN



Comma Press

Hinks Jim

Allirajah Dinesh

Parman Claudia

Becker Artur

Huelle Pawel

Kaminski Adam

Izzo Jean-Claude 1945 - 2000

Garcin Christian 1959 - ...

Parrella Valeria

Lanzetta Peppe

Mungan Murathan

Meryem Hatice

Sayle Alexei

Bianchini Franco

Bloomfield Jude

Presentation materielle : 1 vol. (150 p.)

Dimensions : 20 cm

The six European port cities known as the Cities on the Edge Liverpool, Bremen, Gdansk, Istanbul, Marseilles and Naples - share a history of dissent, diversity and economic reinvention. Once gateways to the world, bringing wealth and innovation to their respective nations, they've long been maligned and misunderstood by their compatriots, preferring instead to look outwards, towards the sea - to the possibilities of change, of travel and of rebirth. Featuring short stories by twelve acclaimed writers from the Cities on the Edge, ReBerth explores these landscapes of change - the social tensions, the scars of war and economic decline, the attempts at regeneration, and the startling and sometimes unsavoury secrets of how these cities inhabitants thrive and survive.