Livre - عتبات ٢٠١٠

700 BEI



Beirut Art Center

Beirut Art Center

Presentation materielle : 1 vol. (103 p.)

Dimensions : 24 cm

As part of its initiative to promote innovative local talent, Beirut Art Center is pleased to present Exposure 2010, a collective exhibition of works by emerging Lebanese artists as well as non-Lebanese artists residing in Lebanon. Initiated in 2009, Exposure is an annual exhibition organized in partnership with Fidus Wealth Management and SGBL to support up-and-coming artists from Lebanon by providing a platform to produce and display work that is not essentially aimed at the market. Each year, the center issues a call for proposals whereby emerging artists are invited to present a new artwork or an artwork that has not been shown in the country. A jury made up of individuals active in the contemporary art scene is invited by Beirut Art Center to select the artists who will participate in the show. Exposure 2010 presents works in a diverse range of media such as video, installation, photography, sound, and performance that address various themes. This catalogue featuring the work of all participants has been produced and launched at the end of the show. The catalogue served to document the exhibition and introduce the work of these artists to a wider public [] مركز بيروت للفنّ يواصل رهانه على التجارب الجديدة. الليلة افتتاح طبعة ثانية من معرضه الجماعي الذي يحتضن أعمالاً بين الفيديو آرت والتجهيز والتصوير الفوتوغرافي والعرض الادائي...هذا بعض ما قد يقع عليه الجمهور في معرض عتبات2010 في مركز بيروت للفن. المركز الذي قدّم، منذ افتتاحه قبل عامين، إنتاجات مكرّسة في مختلف ميادين الفن المعاصر، يستقبل حالياً معرضاً جماعيّاً خاصاً عتبات2010 الذي يقدّم لنا في طبعته الثانية أحد عشر فناناً وفنانة لبنانيين أو مقيمين في لبنان [Source:]

Catalogue de l'exposition "Exposure 2010" qui s'est tenue au Centre d'Art de Beyrouth (Liban) du 24 septembre au 13 novembre 2010. Texte bilingue arabe et anglais.