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Livre - Volume 29, Number 1 - Juin 2014

PC 19



ARTICLES AMITAY Ory, Vagantibus Graeciae fabulis: the North African wanderings of Antaios and Herakles, p. 1 TSOUGARAKIS Nickiphoros I., Prisons and incarceration in fourteenth-century Venetian Crete, p. 29 LAMBRINOS Kostas E., Identity and socio-economic mobility in Venetian Crete: the evolution of a citizen family (sixteenth century), p. 57 PACK Sasha D., The making of the Gibraltar-Spain border: cholera, contraband, and spatial reordering, 1850-1873, p. 71 BOOK REVIEWS MONSON Andrew, The economies of Hellenistic societies, third to first centuries BC, p. 89 BLIZNYUK Svetlana, Actes de Famagouste du notaire génois Lamberto di Sambuceto (décembre 1299-septembre 1300), p. 92 KOUMANOUDI Marina, Liquid and multiple: individuals and identities in the thirteenth-century Aegean, p. 94 SOUCEK Svat, Lords of the sea: a history of the Barbary corsairs, p. 97 SOUCEK Svat, Précis d’un voyage en Barbarie, p. 101 HERZIG Tamar, Renegade women: gender, identity, and boundaries in the early modern Mediterranean, p. 103 SARIYANNIS Marinos, Awaiting the end of the world in the 17th century: the Jewish Messiah and the Great Interpreter, p. 106