Livre - Volume 34, Numbers 4-6 - August-December 2019

1PB MUS 24



ISSUE 4 BRADBURNE James M., Editorial, p. 343 DIAMANTOPOULOU Sophia & CHRISTIDOU Dimitra, Museum encounters: a choreography of visitors’ bodies in interaction, p. 344 FRIBERG Zanna & HUVILA Isto, Using object biographies to understand the curation crisis: lessons learned from the museum life of an archaeological collection, p. 362 DELLA CROCE Roberta, PUDDU Luisa & SMORTI Andrea, A qualitative exploratory study on museum educators’ perspective on children’s guided museum visits, p. 383 MOORHOUSE Natasha, M. DIECK Claudia tom & JUNG Timothy, An experiential view to children learning in museums with Augmented Reality, p. 402 MEI Kit WONG & PISCITELLI Barbara A., Children’s voices: what do young children say about museums in Hong Kong?, p. 419 ROSS Ina, A guilty pleasure? The Indian museum as a popular backdrop for selfies, p. 433 FINASTIIAN Maede, TORABI FARSANI Neda & MORTAZAVI Mohammad, Traditional Weaving House in Isfahan as a museum for promoting last-chance tourism, p. 448 BOOK REVIEW SCHORCH Philipp and MCCARTHY Conal (eds.), Curatopia: museums and the future of curatorship, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 2019, 342 pp., £80.00 (Hardcover), ISBN 978-1-5261-1819-6, by Carol E. MAYER, p. 462 ISSUE 5 BRADBURNE James M., Editorial, p. 467 KROGH JENSEN Susanne, What a curator needs to know – the development of professional museum work and the skills required in Danish museums 1964–2018, p. 468 KIRSCH Otakar & JAGOŠOVÁ Lucie, Towards professionalism through academic education in museum work: on the beginnings of museology education in Czech universities, p. 486 MORENO Sergio Gil, BRENT J. R. Ritchie & ALMEIDA-SANTANA Arminda, Museum tourism in Canary Islands: assessing image perception of Directors and Visitors, p. 501 Supplemental WANG Qi, LEKAMALAHE THESHANI NAVODA CHANDRASENA Liyana & LEI Yanhui, A critical review of the application of paleo-art in paleontological exhibition – a case study of the Dinosaurs of China exhibition in Wollaton Hall and Lakeside Arts, Nottingham, p. 521 BOOK REVIEW GIANNINI Tula and BOWEN Jonathan P. (eds.), Museums and digital culture: new perspectives and research, Cham, Springer, 2019, 590 pp., $138 USD (hardback), ISBN 978-3-319-97456-9, by Jennifer KOSLOW, p. 537 ISSUE 6 EDITORIAL CARTER Jennifer, Museums and justice, p. 541 LLERAS Cristina, GONZÁLEZ-AYALA Sofía Natalia, BOTERO-MEJÍA Juliana & VELANDIA Claudia Marcela, Curatorship for meaning making: contributions towards symbolic reparation at the Museum of Memory of Colombia, p. 544 CHEN Chia-Li, Introducing human rights education within a memorial museum framework: the challenges and strategies of Taiwan’s National Human Rights Museum, p. 562 PERLA Armando & ULLAH Yasmin, Time to Act: Rohingya Voices, p. 577 ÜNSAL Deniz, Positioning museums politically for social justice, p. 595 EXHIBITION REVIEW ANGARITA María Juliana, Voces para transformar a Colombia: a clever exhibition in the midst of transition, p. 608 BOOK REVIEW JANES Robert and SANDELL Richard (eds.). Museum Activism, Abington, Oxon and New York: Routledge, 2019.436 pages. $49.95 USD Paperback., by Kylie MESSAGE & Eleanor FOSTER, p. 617