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Livre - Wired Capital

304.8 MIG



[Migrant Journal Press]

Almeida Brito Catarina de

Tribillon Justinien

Seiffert Isabel

Miler Christoph

Presentation materielle : 1 vol. (141 p.)

Dimensions : 25 cm

The contradiction between restrictions imposed on the movement of people and the acceleration in the circulation of goods, services, money–in one word capital–boosted by free-trade spaces and mechanisms is reaching new levels of paradox and absurdity. The spaces and frictions this contradiction creates will be the topic of Migrant Journal’s second issue: Wired Capital. From ‘iceberg houses’ in London designed for the ‘uber-wealthy,’ to the infrastructure of high-frequency trading, from –Romanian agricultural workers travelling to Spain and –Portugal every summer to pick strawberries while Portuguese workers harvest grapes in France, to globally-spread offshore accounts.

Editor’s Letter: Wired Capital, p. 2 A. RANDULFE Dámaso, Amphibious Creatures, p. 8 B. ITO Michiko, Move To Work, p. 22 C. DYER Sophie & BENJAMINSEN Eline, Spectral Topographies, p. 34 D. MIYAZAKI Shintaro, Algorhythmic Horizon, p. 48 E. VOIVOZEANU Alexandra, Strong Capital, Fragile Workers, p. 58 F. WOODS Paolo & GALIMBERTI Gabriele, The Heavens, p. 66 G. MOREIRA Paulo & WALDORFF Pétur, Luanda’s Pleasure Resorts, p. 84 H. SIEGEL Amie, Quarry, p. 92 I. OBER Maya & GOLDIN Magdala, Polarized Migration, p. 102 J. TRIBILLON Justinien, The Panic Of 1873, p. 114 K. SASSEN Saskia, Extraction Expulsion, p. 120 L. BÜSSE Michaela & PRACHASARTTA Jariyaporn, The Remoras, p. 128 The Contributors, p. 138 Colophon, p. 144