Livre - Volume 50 Number 3 - Mai 2014

PC 20



ZACHS Fruma, Cross-Glocalization: Syrian Women Immigrants and the Founding of Women's Magazines in Egypt, p. 353 FRANTZMAN Seth J. & KARK Ruth , The Catholic Church in Palestine/Israel: Real Estate in Terra Sancta, p. 370 PATRICK Andrew, ‘These people know about us’: A Reconsideration of Greater Syrian Attitudes Towards the United States in the First World War Era, p. 397 PELED Kobi, Palestinian Oral History as a Source for Understanding the Past: Insights and Lessons from an Oral History Project among Palestinians in Israel, p. 412 ELIMELEKH Geula, Fantasy as ‘Recovery, Escape and Consolation’ in the Short Stories of Isaac Bar Moshe, p. 426 VENTURA Lorella, History, Religion and Progress: The View of the ‘Modernity’ of the American Protestant Missionaries in Late Ottoman Syria, p. 442 ÖZKAN Behlül, Making a National Vatan in Turkey: Geography Education in the Late Ottoman and Early Republican Periods, p. 457 UGUR CINAR Meral, Construction of Gender and National Identity in Turkey: Images of the First Lady in the Turkish Media (2002–7), p. 482 WASTI Syed Tanvir, Süleyman Nazîf – A Multi-Faceted Personality, p. 493 BOOK REVIEWs JONES Clive, Yemen Divided: The Story of a Failed State in South Arabia, by Noel Brehony, London, I.B. Tauris, 2013. Pp. xxii + 257, bibliography, index. £14.99 (paper) ISBN 978-1-78076-491-7, p. 509 KOZHANOV Nikolay, August 1941. The Anglo-Russian Occupation of Iran and Change of Shahs, by Mohammad Gholi Majd, Lanham, MD, Boulder, CO, New York, Toronto, Plymouth, UK, University Press of America, 2012, Pp. 431, index, $76 (hardback) ISBN 978-0-7618-5941-3, p. 511 WINCKLER Onn, Qatar: Politics and the Challenge of Development by Matthew Gray, Boulder, CO and London, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2013. Pp. xvi + 271, bibliography, index. $59.95 ISBN 978-1-58826-928-7, p. 516