Domenica 14 luglio - Chiusura eccezionale del forte Saint-Jean alle 16:00

Il 14 luglio vi informiamo che il forte Saint-Jean e l' accesso alla mostra «Traguardi e capolavori» saranno eccezionalmente chiusi a partire dalle 16.00.
Il museo e le esposizioni «Paradisi naturisti», «Méditerranei», «Passioni condivise» e «Famosi ? » rimarranno aperti negli orari abituali.

Livre - Women in revolutionary Paris , 1789-1795 : selected documents / translated with notes and commentary by Darline Gay Levy, Harriet Branson Applewhite, Mary Durham Johnson

B 4522



University of Illinois Press

Levy Darline Gay 1939 - ...

Applewhite Harriet Branson 1940 - ...

Johnson Mary Durham

Presentation materielle : XI-325 p.

Dimensions : 24 cm

200 years ago, the women of revolutionary Paris were demanding legal equality in marriage; educational opportunities for girls, including vocational training; public instruction, licensing, and support for midwives; guarantees for women's rights to employment; and an end to the exclusion of women from certain professions. The editors have uncovered, translated, and annotated sixty documents which shed light on these and other socioeconomic struggles by women and their impact on the French Revolutionary era. This work makes a significant contribution to the growing appreciation of the role of women in history, politics, ideology, and social change.

Bibliogr. p. 313-315. Index