Livre - Jazz in Poland

784.6 PIE



Peter Lang

Pietraszewski Igor 1962 - ...

Stetkiewicz Lucyna

Presentation materielle : 1 vol. (157 pages)

Dimensions : 22 cm

"Igor Pietraszewski, sociologist and jazzman, presents a sociological study of Polish jazz from the 1920s to the present day and leads us through the achievements of a music type that was fordidden durong Stalinist times, then accepted by the state media of the Polish People's Republic, and finally embraced by the open market mechanism of the Third Republic. The author presents a balanced picture of an important fragment of Polish history which is free of superficial interpretations and underpinned by his insightful understanding." Karol Modzelewski, Professor Emeritus, University of Warsaw (Poland)

Preface, p. 9 Introduction, p. 11 CHAPTER I: THE WORLD OF JAZZ IN THE LIGHT OF PIERRE BOURDIEU’S THEORY, p. 17 The habitus, p. 22 The capital, p. 25 The field, p. 28 CHAPTER II: EVOLUTION OF THE FIELD OF JAZZ IN POLAND, p. 35 Before World War II, p. 39 War occupation 1939-1945, p. 46 1945-1948, p. 48 1948-1956, p. 52 1956-1970, p. 63 1970-1981, p. 74 1981-1989, p. 78 After the year 1989, p. 81 CHAPTER III: HABITUS OF THE JAZZMAN, p. 85 CHAPTER IV: THE MODERN AUDIENCE OF JAZZ, p. 117 Socio-demographic profile, p. 118 The ways of “entering jazz” and the audience’s preferences, p. 120 Typology of jazz listeners, p. 129 Participation in the field of jazz, p. 135 Summary, p. 140 Final Conclusions, p. 143 List of tables, p. 145 Index, p. 147 Bibliography, p. 151

Translation of Jazz w Polsce : wolność improwizowana. Kraków : Nomos, c2012 Includes bibliographical references and index