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Le nostre mostre riaprono integralmente mercoledì 10 luglio.

Livre - Evoking Polish Memory

943 WIT



Peter Lang

Witeska-Mlynarczyk Anna 1973 - ...

Presentation materielle : 1 vol. (253 pages)

Dimensions : 22 cm

The book offers an interdisciplinary but very grounded look at the question of memory politics in contemporary Poland. It describes the conflicting ways in which two groups of people - the former anti-communist activists and the former officers of the respective regime - have actively engaged in representations and claims about the communist past in the contemporary reality of one Polish town. The material is based on ethnographic fieldwork conducted during the years 2006-2008. The author focuses on processes of reconstruction of memories and subjectivities taking place at the intersection of individuals, civic society, state bureaucracy and politics. The book focuses on the beliefs, hopes and fears of people who became the subjects of historical policy during their lifetimes.

Includes bibliographical references