Livre - Paradise Lost

C 4760




Junghaus Timea

Székely Katalin

Open society institute (New York)

Neier Aryeh 1937 - ...

Presentation materielle : 167 p.

Dimensions : 30 cm

“It is time to correct our image of the largest minority in Europe, which is still shaped by Gypsy romance and Gypsy kitsch. This misconception has lured us into the false belief that the misery which the Roma people were forced to endure for centuries was actually an act of self-chosen freedom. Let us clear our heads and open our ears and eyes to the creative potential of this first genuine European culture, which can only enrich our understanding of a future Europe without borders. ” Wim Wenders, Film Director “The European Commission attaches great importance to the protection and respect of minority rights, in particular, of the Roma, who constitute the largest ethnic minority across the European Union. This has been a key element in our strategy. I wish you every success in this exciting project! ” José Manuel Barroso, President, European Commission “It is important for a marginalised and vilified ethnic minority to preserve and strengthen its cultural identity. The Roma Pavilion may also help to discredit the prevailing stereotypes of the Roma. ” George Soros, Founder and Chairman, Open Society Institute

JUNGHAUS Timea, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS, p. 2 NEIER Aryeh, FOREWORD, p. 3 JUNGHAUS Timea, Paradise Lost – The First Roma Pavilion, p. 6 Statements, p. 24 ACTON Thomas, Second Site, p. 30 THOSS Michael M., Towards Europe’s First Nation, p. 34 WAGNER Gottfried, The Roma Pavilion in Venice – A Bold Beginning, p. 36 ARTISTS, STATEMENTS, WORKS Daniel BAKER, p. 40 Tibor BALOGH, p. 62 Mihaela CIMPEANU, p. 66 Gabi JIMÉNEZ 72 András KÁLLAY, p. 84 Damian LE BAS, p. 88 Delaine LE BAS, p. 100 Kiba LUMIBERG, p. 120 OMARA, p. 136 Marian PETRE, p. 144 Nihad Nino PUŠIJA, p. 148 Jenő André RAATZSCH, p. 152 Dusan RISTIC, p. 156 lstván SZENTANDRÁSSY, p. 160 Norbert SZIRMAI – János RÉVÉSZ, p. 162 BIBLIOGRAPHY, p. 166
