Livre - Mali : art between history and myth

709.05 MAS




Bossan Enrico 1956 - ...

Mascelloni Enrico 1954 - ...

Benetton Luciano 1935 - ...

Nyaga Peter S.

Imago mundi, Luciano Benetton collection

Presentation materielle : 1 vol. (329 p.)

Dimensions : 21 x 22 cm

Contents : Introductions To See - Luciano Benetton Enrico Mascelloni - Art between History and Myth Peter S. Nyaga - The Art of Mali between Tradition and Innovation Artworks and Artists Index Introductions Luciano Benetton - Voir Enrico Mascelloni - Un art entre Histoire et Mythe Peter S. Nyaga - L'art du Mali entre tradition et innovation Oeuvres et artistes Index