Gentili visitatori ,
Vi informiamo che alcuni spazi espositivi saranno temporaneamente inaccessibili per motivi igienico-sanitari.
Ci scusiamo per i disagi causati e faremo il possibile per riaprire queste aree il prima possibile.
Vi ringraziamo per la vostra comprensione e pazienza.
Durante questo periodo, vi invitiamo a visitare gratuitamente le altre mostre e attività del museo e del Fort Saint-Jean.

Le nostre mostre riaprono integralmente mercoledì 10 luglio.

Livre - Linz 2009 European capital of culture

709.4 HEL




Heller Martin

Presentation materielle : 1 vol. (287p.)

Dimensions : 30x24 cm

Linz09 has meant 365 days of culture in all its forms, and a few refreshing updates in and for the City of Linz. Visitors, audience members, participants—they’re the ones who have the final say about the success of a Capital of Culture year. Attendance at more than 7.700 Linz09 events, exhibitions, festivals, actions and projects was nearly 3.5 million. This figure topped even the most optimistic estimates. Accordingly, we want to express our thanks first and foremost to all the tourists and locals whose enthusiasm and openness to novel experiences have made it all happen.
