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Livre - Linz 2009 European capital of culture

943 HEL



Linz 2009 Kulturhauptstadt Europas

Heller Martin

Sedmak Florian

Stoff Julia 1980 - ...

Presentation materielle : 1 vol. (62 p.)

Statements: on linz’s achievements and prospects, p. 6 1. Linz and upper Austria: The city and its surrounding refions, p. 8 2. Say Linz, say change: The road to European Capital of culture, p. 12 3. Linz playing host to Europe: preparations and results, p. 18 4. New partnerships: Culture and business, p. 22 5. New urban qualities: Using buildings as building blocks, p. 26 6. Between 06 and 10: The programme, p. 32 7. Towards new horizons: Linz takes stock and moves on, p. 38 8. Face value: The egg of the culture capital, p. 42 9. Auf visite: From Linz09’s guest book and press review, p. 48 10. O nine: A year in figures, p. 52 Publications: Linz to look at, read about and listen to, p. 56 This is where it’s at: In Linz and upper Austria, p. 58 Imprint, p. 62